Logiciels PC Special 3
Logiciel PC - Hors-Serie 3.iso
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Version: V1.89 Beta13 (12/05/99)
Welcome to Hu6280, The PC-Engine Emulator for Windows!!!
Homepage: http://www.hu6280.com
Instructions for use:
just double click the bitch, then click on the pce file you want to run...
If you have any of the following items to donate, please email jamsponge@hotmail.com
and we can trade addresses... :)
1) HU7 Devkit!
2) Official Pc-Engine documentation
3) Any Hucards (USA or JAP)
4) Any Pc-Engine CD-Roms
5) Any Pc-Engine related hardware
6) Any Pc-Engine related magazines etc.
7) Any Pc-Engine backup devices
8) $$$ ;)-~
Pentium Processor (333mhz+ recommended :)
Some Ram (64mb+ recommended :)
a decent video card
a decent sound card
Windows 95 or Windows 98 or Windows NT
A Keyboard
Some Hucards to play (Jamanoid,Galaga88,Tigerheli & Gunhed recommended)
It runs the hucards... :)
Keys are:
'F1' = Load a new rom (tasty feature eh?)
'F5' = Load game (VERY tasty feature eh?)
'F6' = Save game (VERY tasty feature eh?)
'F9' = Save a screenshot (in .tga format)
'ESC' = Quit! (not that you`ll want to...)
'CURSORS' = up,down,left,right
'A' = pc-e joypad button 1
'Z' = pc-e joypad button 2
in six button pad mode (just run sf2!) the following keys are mapped:
'1' = pc-e joypad button 1
'2' = pc-e joypad button 2
'3' = pc-e joypad button 3
'Q' = pc-e joypad button 4
'W' = pc-e joypad button 5
'E' = pc-e joypad button 6
please send bug reports (or cool tech infos) to:
Thanks going out to :
jens C H - yeah, vpce is nice... - THANKS FOR THE HELP DUDE!
BT Garner - thanx dude
JL_Picard - nicey nice mr nice! ;)
david shadoff - heh, TGSIM! kewl!!!!
kad77 - cheers mate
videoman - cheers mate
Zophar - (thanx for the spreading!)
Lance-MC - (thanx for the spreading!)
Emanuel Schleussinger (never spoken to you, but you helped in docs I read)
David Michiel - ok, I admit it, magic engine rocks the world!
Paul Clifford (never spoken to you, but you helped in docs I read)
- K - cheers for the donation man :)
Marius Fodor - thanx for the sidewinder/gpp reading code ;)
the guy who coded 'SEAL' audio library!!! :)
and all the other pc-engine hackers out there...
--------------------- WIN32 HISTORY ---------------------
Initial release, only tested it on my machine, so, give me some feedback dudes...
V1.89 (BETA2)
NOW USES A 16BIT SCREEN! HOORAY! now we have all 512 pc-engine colours!!!!!
Optimized screen dump code & Palette emulation code
Fixed palette bug (erk, casting error!)
Now added romloading on F1
Now added screenshot code (TGA) on F9
V1.89 (BETA3)
Added sound emulation! (WORKS really nicely on a pII450, forget it if you`ve got anything less than a pII 266)
Fixed another palette bug that somehow cropped in there...
Fixed some memory leaks and general bugs... (bounds checker kicks ass)
Generally sweetened source code up a bit...
V1.89 (BETA4)
Added Load/Save state on F5/F6
V1.89 (BETA5)
Added a .ini file, edit this for your own custom settings... (rompath,savegamepath,screenshotpath and sound options)
much more friendly loading and saving games... (assumes a nice filename)
much more friendly saving screenshots (assumes a nice filename)
Fixed a memory leak
V1.89 (BETA6)
Improved detection of usa roms, now SPACE HARRIER (USA) & LEGEND OF HEROTONMA (USA) work ok.
'Final Soldier Special Version' (JAP) now runs ok.
Added Detection of supergrafx roms (taste the message!)
Fixed a dirty bug in shutdown code... :) should leave your system sweet after a shutdown now... :)
V1.89 (BETA7)
as you may have guessed, this bitchcow is running a tad faster thanx to jamsponge getting off his
arse and coding some tasty x86 ASM with a MASM/VTUNE combo. :)-~
Please report any bugs you find...
V1.89 (BETA8) - mucho faster... :)-~
Optimized more of the cpu core into x86 ASSEMBLER.
Please report any bugs you find...
V1.89 (BETA9) -
Fixed a bug in ASM cpucore that stopped beball,coryoon,chasehq,xevious and others from working...
Improved cpu timing, this results in lots of games glitching less, and lots of games don`t slow down
as much anymore... (hero tonma,raiden,magical chase etc.)
Converted some more of the cpucore into x86 ASSEMBLER.
Please report any games you find that wont run... jamsponge@hotmail.com
V1.89 (BETA10) -
Coded up some text printing routines so i could add FPS meter...
Added FPS meter (look in the .ini file dudes...) - just so you can see what fps you are getting... :)
Optimized another 15 cpu opcodes into x86 assembler... (nice little speed hit!)
StripFighter now works - So, is that all the hucards running now? eh? YOU TELL ME!
Added some ** SECRET ** options... (only for the hardcore)
V1.89 (BETA11) -
Optimized another 28 opcodes in x86 assembler (tasty speedhit)
Optimzied sprite draw a little...
huwin.exe is now 4k shorter because of ASM optimizations... I dread to think what the compiler was doing... bwhahahah
Many games now running at 80fps+ on my p200, let me know what FPS results you are all getting...
mail me at: jamsponge@hotmail.com
V1.89 (BETA13) -
converted more opcodes into x86 assembler
Added Throttling for people with fast pc`s... :) (see the .ini file for details)
donate some hucards / cd`s : jamsponge@hotmail.com